Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Mystical and Magical Pyramids of Giza

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The Mystical and Magical Pyramids of Giza: "

The only survivor of the Seven Ancient Wonders – The Great Pyramid of Giza stands tall, an epitome of strength this place truly embarks curiosity at its appearance, size and shape. It’s a superb example project planning, construction and organization skills of the Ancient Egyptians. But it is not all!! It is something much more profound. The mystery and a strange unexplained yearning for a past make the Great Pyramid of Giza such a popular tourist destination. A strange sensation will keep you caught hold through the entire trip. It is also known as the famous trio. The one being the Great Pyramis (Khufu) itself and the other two are Khafre and Menkaure.

Pyramids of Giza Egypt

You are not allowed to climb any of the pyramids but inside access is allowed. Claustrophobic, pull your socks and get ready to get some jolts and jitters. Make sure you are in the lucky 300 who get to visit the pyramid otherwise wait for another day for your turn. You will be amazed to know that The Great Pyramid of Chepos, the 137 meters high pyramid is assembled from more than 2 million limestone blocks and is thought to weigh six million tons.

The Pyramid of Khafre retains some parts of the originally polished limestone casing near its pinnacle. The three kings – or pharaohs – of the fourth Dyansty of Ancient Egypt built these marvelous pieces of architecture. Walking past these pyramids, an enduring mystery surrounds the Egyptian Pyramids as to how were they built. They are believed to be the cradle of human civilization and had a long lasting impact on all subsequent developments in the area.

Pyramid of Khafre

The Pyramid houses, the tomb of the rulers who ruled Egypt at that point of time can be seen. The King’s Chamber and the Queen’s chamber are one of the most remarkable sites to be seen. The locals have found ways of earning their livelihood by selling postcards, trinkets and camel rides. Some have also turned up as guides seeing the tourist potential of this mysterious place. You can photograph the beautifully decked up camels and the local dressed in colourful Arab Finery.

Camel rides

Visit the Pyramids during early morning because as the day progresses, the rising temperatures and the hot sun will leave a tan on your skins. Early morning cool breeze of the desert will be an added advantage to your advent.

The nearby areas are also worth visiting. The most alluring is the Great Sphinx, body of lion and face the ancient pharaoh represent a “guarding figure”. It is believed that the Sphinx protected the tomb of Khafre by warding off evil spirits. If the pyramids seemed to be taking a toll, head for some adventure and rides at the sand dunes. The Solar boat museum proudy boasts of preserving the actual, reconstructed Boat –a special part in the funeral ceremonies in Ancient Egypt. One can also enjoy a spectacular evening sound and light show. Do buy a book from the book stalls for the night so that you can understand the narrative.

With plenty of hotels, restaurants, bars, tourists find no problem in visiting the Pyramids time and again and get lost in the mystical and the magical world. You can enjoy some great Egyptian cuisine during your stay here. Cairo is the perfect place for reaching these Pyramids. Cabs keep on plying taking the tourists to Giza  for a lifetime experience.

Egypt restaurant


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