Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Senegalese president visits Vermont ( watch video)

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Senegalese president visits Vermont ( watch video): "

South Burlington, Vermont - September 19, 2010

An African dignitary is spending the week in Vermont. Traveling close to 4,000 miles the President of Sengal, Abdoulaye Wade, arrived in Vermont Sunday.

Governor Jim Douglas and Major General Michael Dubie, along with other state and local dignitaries, greeted the president to what will be a short visit in the Green Mountain State.

“Senegal has a very good relationship with the United States,” President Wade said.

The Vermont National Guard started a partnership with the country of Senegal to foster mutual interests and establish long term relationships across all levels of society. Dealing with military to military interaction, women’s roles in the military and consequence management were only a few of the ways the guard has helped the country. “We continue to engage and learn about people far from home so we can be important players in the global marketplace and the community of nations,” Gov. Douglas said.

The National Guard has also brought in energy experts to the country. The guard started the partnership with the military in Senegal 2 1/2 years ago and they say it’s been beneficial for both countries. “We feel our relationship with Senegal has been positive robust and mutually beneficial,” Gen. Dubie said.

President Wade will be in Vermont for a short period of time to learn about the state that has been helping his country. “We look forward to the next couple of days of fruitful engagement but most important to build the relationships that are so important between our country and yours,” Gen. Dubie said.

“Welcome, we look forward to a long and fruitful partnership between our National Guard and the people of Senegal,” Gov Douglas said.

A growing partnership that they hope will continue to be as beneficial.


Gina Bullard - WCAX News


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