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Copenhagen – historical capital of Denmark: "
Among Scandinavians Denmark is also known as a country with southern temperament. Also climate plays here an important role. In Denmark suffices both snow, and rains, and winds. Simple character of Danes is too live and changeable for inhabitants of the North. Same as the weather in this country where in one day it changes to the spring sun then the rainy and windy autumn comes, and by the evening snow drops out. And Danes, cheerful and noisy, sad and thoughtful, but always counterbalanced, as if tamed by a furious wind. In real life all they love three things: kind foamy beer, the native city and the queen. And April, 16th – birthday of its majesty – is considered a national holiday when all country exults from delight and each Dane respecting directs to the capital hailstones Copenhagen to see how Margreta II leaves on a balcony of a royal palace of Amalienbor. On Palace Square the guards of her majesty dressed in honor of a celebration in red uniforms march.
In general, guardsmen are invariable attribute of Copenhagen. And day and night, having replaced smart uniforms on every day, hour protect rest of a monarchy. The royal guards appeared in 1658, at Frederike III, and since then regularly draw the duty. In Copenhagen say that on guardsmen it is possible to synchronize watches. After all it is necessary to notice daily midday divorce. Royal family protection marches on city streets under sounds of marches. And for each street there is a march. Sounds of pipes abate, only when the queen isn’t present in a city, and these days Copenhagen is like an orphan. Not without reason the king of Denmark Eric VII once noticed: “Copenhagen is the a city of the king!”. However, the capital of the Danish kingdom was not always the one I am talking about.
The city is obliged by its birth to fish, namely a herring. Between two Danish islands Zealand and Amager the passage Orezund was stretched. In olden days it was famous for an abundance of herring. And people willingly lodged on either side of the passage. By X century on the place of the settlements the large village of Havn which started to expand thanks to trade in fish was formed.
After a century bishop Absalon who put a fortress in the place of a large village appeared in these edges. Today on its place the city town hall on which facade the founder of Copenhagen is embodied by Absalon is settled down. The fortress put by the bishop, has expanded in due course, the city has got more serious position among the other Danish cities which have grown on trade. Actually, and the name Copenhagen is translated as “merchant harbor”. The convenient arrangement, easy approaches for courts promoted fast growth of well-being of the city, and in XV century king Eric VII proclaimed Copenhagen as the capital. However, this status was not much reflected in external shape of the city, only fortifications grew on perimeter yes there were four city collars. These strengthenings protected the city up to the XIX-th century, and if not Christian IV all sights of old Copenhagen were possible to be examined for some six hours.
The orol-builder as it was nicknamed by Danes, ascended to the throne at the age of 11 years. Its environment also didn’t suspect that the young king will show such speed in state affairs. The boy matured faster, than it would be desirable for the regent, and, without having had time to grow still beards,he won love and respect of citizens. Christian IV was a good judge of beauty and understood, what didn’t suffice the city. In Denmark he is considered till now the most popular king. Monuments in honor of him can be met almost in each street.This is not surprising, after all Christian IV has created shape of Copenhagen recognized by all. He ordered to dig channels there, where they weren’t to facilitate the dealers’ and seamen’s access to the city.
And as Copenhagen from time immemorial lived thanks to trade, innovations of the monarch should be reflected in city economy. Then there were the small quarters intended only for seamen. However, Christian IV has borrowed idea of poor quarters from his grandfather Christian II who once constructed quarter on east extremity of island Amager. The fishing settlement intended for Dutches. It is necessary to tell that emigrants behaved not so well, and Danes have nicknamed Amager “devil’s island”. But since then much water has flowed under the bridges, and Christian IV decided to continue an antiquated initiative and has built quarter Njuboder – first quarter in Europe with houses for a moderate payment. Mustard color of a structure even now provides guidance on that time. And names of streets remind of the romanticist of far wanderings. For example, here there is a street of “Dolphin”, “Crocodile”, street “Sincere pleasure” or “Curly mint”. Only the prices for habitation in Njuboder have strongly changed since then. After all now it is a historical part of the city, and to pay for residing at it is to have twice more.
To tenants some requirements are shown – not to change color of walls, not to reconstruct facades of ancient houses and carefully to watch them. However, Danes think of the past so much that do not try to change the shape of streets, as well as the atmospheres of similar quarters. After all, by tradition, wives of seamen, seeing off supporters in the sea, exposed on windows the figurine of dogs or cats. And until the owner didn’t come back home, figures looked at street. Such figures decorate windows of Njubodera up to this day though among the inhabitants of old quarter will hardly be a seaman.
Christian’s energy IV was in full swing, it interested not only the practical party of arrangement of a city, but also esthetic. It built castles, directed bridges, didn’t forget about the science. So, from its easy hand over Copenhagen, the Round tower on the top of which the small observatory settled down, has grown. The king with own hand developed the sketch of a gold emblem on the tower facade. In a tower all has been thought over to trifles. For example, to rise on a construction top it was possible without climbing down from a horse as on 209 meters in it the wide ramp was stretched.
Other, being the talented architect and governor, Christian IV didn’t differ political foresight. The King-builder interfered with thirty-year war and lost a part of territories which have departed Sweden. But kings don’t judge, and wars for Danes of that epoch were habitual business.
And today they speak about the king-builder only well, after all for its beauty Copenhagen is obliged to him.
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