Saturday, November 6, 2010

You Are What You Eataly

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You Are What You Eataly: "57182_1443511527607_1227660059_30997283_6278050_o.jpgNew Yorkers can stock up on the freshest of the fresh from olive oil to oysters at Eataly, the expansive new slow-food Italian marketplace
located just across the street from Madison Square Park. Mario Batali,
Joe Bastianich, Lidia Matticchio Bastianich, and Eataly founder Oscar
Farinetti have come together to create a world of Italian cuisine where
customers can shop for, learn about, and eat freshly prepared food all in one
trip. You can enjoy seafood salad at a seated counter just beside the
raw bar or try freshly carved prosciutto and parmesan only seconds
after it has been sliced in La Piazza, a stand-up food and drinks bar.
I had the opportunity to explore the market with my friend Lauren on a
recent day trip. While it did feel a bit chaotic and overwhelming (too
many signs on the walls or maybe just the size of the crowd inside)--I
will say that it was very clean, the food looked delicious, and the
staff were friendly and knowledgeable.

Check out more photos after the jump.

51861_1443509807564_1227660059_30997277_5790836_o.jpgWax-sealed bottles of every variety of balsamic vinegar take center stage beside endless walls of olive oil, pesto, risotto, and truffles. 

Friends enjoy wine and antipasti in La Piazza.

Just $1 gets you a melted cup of chocolatey, hazel-nutty Bicerin 700 gianduja.

55224_1443508647535_1227660059_30997273_289231_o.jpgEataly is all about falling in love with your food. A complete trip to their market takes you from seeing the pasta fall out of the maker in fresh doughy ribbons, to eating the pasta in the cafe, buying your cappellini and mortadella from the folks who know it best, and then leaving with the tools and tips necessary to prepare your favorite dish at home.

Photos: Caitlin Etherton

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