Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Cincinnati: Foreign Grocery Friday: Gotta Get Some Goetta in Cincinnati

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Cincinnati: Foreign Grocery Friday: Gotta Get Some Goetta in Cincinnati: "

When we travel, one of our favorite things to do is to pop into a local grocery store and check out the food products and candies we'd never find anywhere else. So we're trying out this new feature, Foreign Grocery Friday, where each week we'll feature some of our (and your) favorite overseas treats. Got a recommendation? Let us know!

Mmm...breakfast meats. We know that Cincinnati, Ohio may exactly be the most exotic of locales for finding this week's featured 'foreign' grocery, but it's such a special and region-specific item that it's totally worthy of the limelight.

What we're talking about is Goetta, patties made of ground meat (typically pork) and pinhead oats, a peasant foodstuff devised during the earliest days of Cincinnati. According to good old Wikipedia, 'the dish originated with German settlers from the northwestern regions of Oldenburg, Hannover, and Westphalia who emigrated to the Cincinnati area in the 19th century.' It's origins are older than Skyline chili and it's far harder to find, but when in southern Ohio, you gotta get some Goetta.


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